Friday, August 26, 2011

Maybe I need to change the title of my Sermon?

Maybe I need to change the title of my Sermon?

The church sign, if it hasn't floated away in the rain or hurricane, on Sunday morning will still say, "Give Me This Water!"  When I picked that title about a month ago, I wasn't worried about Hurricane Irene!!  As we say, you have to be careful about what you ask for!!

If you would read the story of Jesus and the woman at the well in John 4, you will discover these words in verse 15, "The woman said to Jesus, 'Sir, give me this water so that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.'"  This woman was beginning to understand the life-giving power of what Jesus would provide in her life.  She was still thinking about the physical nature of water from a well or from a lake, but Jesus helped her to understand that the thirst she had in her life wasn't physical but was spiritual.

We might have our fears about the flash flooding of the water from a thunderstorm or a hurricane, but there is nothing to fear in a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Jesus alone gives life-giving water!  And the life-giving water that Jesus Christ gives springs up to eternal life.

You might have a great memory of drinking water when you couldn't wait for that glass of ice water after a long run, cutting the yard or that first sip of water after surgery.  Recently I got to drink from a glacier lake at the top of a mountain near Mt. Deborah in Alaska, probably my most memorable drink of water ever. 


Still nothing compares to the promise of Jesus. "Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14 (NIV)

You might have to get wet to get to church this Sunday, but I hope you will make it!

In Jesus,


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