Thursday, April 28, 2011

You are a blessing!!!

You are a blessing!!! That is the theme of our Volunteer Celebration this Sunday! There are hundreds and thousands of lives that have been blessed because so many of our people have been in the blessing business!! Every time someone chooses to set aside their time, talents and gifts to serve and volunteer - someone is blessed! Yesterday, about 100 people helped to assemble, pack and deliver bags of food that blessed more than 240 seniors in Harford County.
I saw the smiles of our people packing bags, loading their cars and I know that those smiles continued as they went house to house, not just dropping off food, but spending time listening, praying and encouraging these people.  This is just one example of the many ways the people of Bel Air bless others! Each of YOU are a blessing!!! And you know who you are and Jesus knows who you are! Thank You.
So join us for a time of thanksgiving during our worship services on Sunday! If you are not serving right now in a ministry, then make sure you come to give thanks to those who have blessed you. The choirs have blessed us, the Youth and Kingdom Kidz leaders have blessed our church. The communion stewards, lay readers, altar guild, ushers, greeters, bulletin stuffers and newsletter folders!! People show you where to park and answer your questions at the Information and Welcome desks!! So many blessings!!
In Jesus,
Barry and all of the staff of BAUMC

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cantata - 24 Hours That Changed the World! April 17, 2011 9:20AM & 4:00PM

            This Sunday, the Chancel Choir of Bel Air UMC, will be offering a very special cantata.  Rather than purchasing a cantata or performing a major work, we have put together our own offering of a cappella anthems in various styles.  The anthems follow the sequence of the events of Holy Week from the time of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, until his burial in the tomb.  Scripture readings will introduce the anthems.

            We have done many types of cantatas in the Spring - some very quiet and meditative, some ending with a glorious, foot stomping Easter proclamation.  While this Sunday's "sermon in song" will not include hand-clapping, foot-stomping music, we believe it is very powerful, certainly as powerful as any cantata we have ever done.

            We can look at the empty tomb on Easter with joy at the power of the resurrection, yet the image of Jesus on the cross is no less powerful.  For in that image is wrapped up God's love and forgiveness for us, the sacrifice of Jesus, and the freedom from sin in this life and the next.  All this is what we will be singing about. 

            Our prayer is that the words of scripture read, then sung with voices alone will feed your soul with a profound sense of what the Lord has done for you.

            We invite you to join us at the 9:20 AM worship service and we hope you will come back at 4:00 PM for the public concert, and bring a friend.

Your Servant in Christ,
Rev. Doug Hollida,
Director of Worship & Arts

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